23 April 2011

Reinvention and Fashion

I am totally in euphoria right now, like I guess I'm going to burst without any warning. The reason for this toned and hyped reaction is finally (wants to emphasize finally) I am in my best mood and mode to recreate this "hasbeen" blog. Truth is, for no  other reason than just to have a cathartic let-go of my past frustrations and desperation in life I created this blog last March. Incidentally, I assumed to have been very mature enough to think that I can incessantly feed this blog regularly, may it be lame stuffs concerning my grotesque and sometimes irritating sensibilities to current Entertainment news which I am passionately affiliated. After moving here in Manila for the past month, I auto-lost my urge and torrid inclination of updating my blog. You know guys, when you get distracted with the shimmering skylines and city lights of the city you just can't get enough of it. The whole time, I felt awesome and constantly maxed out of emotions because the city showed me things I never wished of seeing. I know, some of you might be saying that this guy is overrated with his words, but trust me from a town boy's POV you guys won't ever ever question my judgment over exaggeration. 
So part of the story is when I get bored and the whole niche I am thriving becomes completely bland and dull for me. You go back to your dorkiness angles and then you try to be sensible enough redeem yourself from once again a whole pointless thinking. I mean, I don't actually know what I am saying, LOL. I just keep on typing and I'm very hungry and guys I gotta go. With the fashion stuff, give me tomorrow to finish it.
XOXO (did i just type XOXO? I'm completely aweful)

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